Bona Fide Farm

Understanding Bona Fide Farm Status for Property Tax Relief

Are you a Sampson County landowner engaged in agricultural activities? This guide explores the benefits and requirements of obtaining Bona Fide Farm status for your property. Discover potential tax reductions, eligibility criteria, and the application process.

What is Bona Fide Farm Status?

North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 160D-903 offers exemptions from county zoning regulations for bona fide farms. To qualify for this exemption, property owners must demonstrate their land is used for legitimate agricultural purposes.

Eligibility Proof

You'll need to provide one of the following documents as proof of bona fide farm status:

  1. Farm Sales Tax Exemption Certificate: Issued by the North Carolina Department of Revenue.
  2. Present-Use Value Program Property Tax Listing: Demonstrates the property qualifies for G.S. 105-277.3, a program that reduces property taxes for agricultural land.
  3. Schedule F from Federal Tax Return: A copy of your most recent Schedule F, which reports farm income and expenses, can serve as evidence.
  4. Forest Management Plan: Applicable if your primary agricultural activity is forestry.

Documentation Responsibility: It's your responsibility to provide one of the listed documents as proof of your exemption from zoning regulations.

Bona Fide Exemption Application

If you're a bona fide farmer planning to build a structure on your property, you'll need to complete this application:

Our Role: The Sampson County Planning & Zoning Department will review your application and supporting documentation to determine if the proposed structure qualifies for the bona fide farm exemption. If approved, we'll issue a certificate specifically for that structure.

By understanding Bona Fide Farm status, you can potentially reduce your property tax burden and ensure your land's agricultural purpose is recognized.