Public Library Policies


The Sampson County Public Library is committed to creating a welcoming and productive environment for everyone. This page provides an overview of our policies, which guide borrowing materials, computer usage, reserving meeting rooms, and maintaining a respectful atmosphere. Familiarizing yourself with these policies ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for you and your fellow library patrons.

It is our goal to provide all members and guests with a structured and organized environment which allows each individual to enjoy all the perks of the library. To help achieve this goal we have several rules and policies which we ask all visitors to abide by. Please click on the following links to review SCPL policies and rules:

Collection Development Policy


This policy sets broad guidelines for the selection, collection, and withdrawal of library materials to support the Library’s mission and goals.


The library will attempt to maintain as balanced and as varied a collection as possible. Materials will be selected to cover a variety of tastes, interests, purposes, and reading levels to fill the informational, recreational and educational needs of Sampson County residents. The Library will endeavor to provide access to information in all fields and from all points of view. The Library, in collecting and acquiring publications and related materials representing the widest diversity of views, may include items which reflect controversial, unorthodox, or even unpopular ideas. The Library, the Library Board of Trustees, and Library personnel will not, either directly or indirectly, ban or censor any material. The presence of an item in the Library does not indicate any endorsement of its contents by the Library.


Ultimate responsibility for collection development and resource access rests with the Library Director who shall operate within the framework of this policy. The Library Director may designate staff members to participate in the selection of library resources. Both the public and library staff members may recommend materials for consideration.  

Criteria for Collection

Any materials selection policy must be fairly general, and librarians must always exercise their knowledge and experience about all library materials and the community served. The goal of our library is to be inclusive, not exclusive, when developing our collections; therefore, no single set of selection criteria can be applied to all cases.  

Each type of material shall be considered in terms of its own merit and the audience for whom it is intended. Reviews in professionally recognized resources are a primary source for materials selection. Standard bibliographies, book lists by recognized authorities and the advice of competent people in specific subject areas shall also be used.  

Materials which are pornographic (prurient in nature) are not collected. However, even if some people consider an item objectionable, no material shall be excluded because of coarse language, violence or frank discussion of sexual episodes when the author is justified in what he portrays or when such episodes are pertinent to the plot or character delineation.  

All requests from patrons will be considered. However, esoteric materials of limited community interest will not ordinarily be purchased.  

The children's collection contains materials best suited to the abilities and interests of library users from birth through approximately age 12, while teen materials are intended for those approximately age twelve through eighteen. Children's and teen materials will be selected with the same care and judgment and following the same criteria as are adult materials. 

The library will not attempt to furnish materials required for classroom or academic use. The library's role is to provide supplementary materials to enrich the resources available to students and teachers through the educational system. Materials for self-study or to supplement classroom study will be selected according to their appropriateness to the collection for use by the library’s patronage as a whole. Textbooks will be purchased only when they provide the best coverage of a subject and are useful to the general public. Educational workbooks or other consumable items will not be purchased. Multiple copies cannot be purchased in response to student demands. It is expected that each school will meet its own curriculum demands with adequate materials.  

The library considers that non-book materials such as magazines, newspapers, audiobooks and DVDs represent an alternative format and may be selected when this form best meets the needs of the community. These materials may be purchased or leased when they may be found at reasonable prices.  

The library keeps its collection vital and useful by retaining or replacing essential materials and removing on a systematic and continuous basis materials which are worn, out-dated, of little historical significance, or no longer in demand. See Withdrawal section for more details.  

Access to Materials

The library by its very nature is established to perpetuate intellectual freedom. To that end, the Board of Trustees and the library staff supports the “Library Bill of Rights,” the “Freedom to Read,” “Freedom to View,” and “Free Access to Libraries for Minors,” as adopted by the American Library Association (see attached). The library assures free access to its holdings for all patrons who have the responsibility to select or reject for themselves any item in the collection. Individual or group bias or disapproval about a particular item or type of material in the collection may not preclude its use by others. It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians who wish to limit or restrict the reading of their own children to oversee their selections. The library staff and trustees cannot and do not act in place of a parent or guardian. 

Processing and shelving of materials shall in no way reflect a value judgment of the materials. All materials will be shelved in their proper order on open shelves, freely and easily accessible to the public, except for specific items which would be particularly hard or expensive to replace such as historical documents. These rare items may require staff supervision for use.  

The entire library collection, with the exception of reference, genealogy materials, videos, DVD, and AV equipment, is available for use on the bookmobile, at nursing homes, for homebound service, and through inter-library loan.  


The library may accept gifts of books and other materials without commitment as to final disposition. SCPL assumes unconditional ownership of all items donated and retains the right to use or dispose of them as it sees fit. 

Gift items must meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials. Items in poor physical  condition will not be accepted. Duplicate copies of items already in the collection will be added only if needed. The library does not accept textbooks or older publications of magazines, serial publications, or encyclopedia sets. Gift items, if needed, will be integrated into the regular library collections in normal sequence, available to all library patrons, and otherwise handled as any other material belonging to the library. When a gift is no longer needed, it will be disposed of in the same manner as purchased.  

Gift materials will not be accepted with restrictions or conditions that necessitate special and separate housing, processing, or treatment. The only form of donor or memorial identification will be a gift plate. Library staff cannot assign a dollar valuation for gifts of materials, but staff will provide the donor with a statement verifying the number and type of materials donated and accepted upon request. Appraisal of the gift shall be the responsibility of the donor.  

Withdrawal of Materials

Item withdrawal is an important aspect of collection development. An up-to-date, attractive, and reliable collection can be maintained only by purchasing and retaining appropriate materials, and by removing items that are damaged, outdated, inaccurate, duplicating, and otherwise no longer useful. The collection shall be evaluated by authorized and qualified staff on a systematic and continuous basis to identify materials that should be withdrawn based on such guidelines as outlined in CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries (Jeanette Larson, 2008) . Items may be withdrawn for such reasons as (but not limited to):

  1. Condition 
  2. Availability of superseding editions 
  3. Obsolete or inaccurate information 
  4. Duplicate copies of items 
  5. Lack of use 

The Library Director, with the permission of the Sampson County governing agency, will make the final decision regarding the disposition of materials withdrawn from or items donated but not added to the collection. Possible options include but are not limited to:   

  1. Library book sales with the proceeds being added directly back into the library budget to be allocated at the discretion of the Library Director. The following prices for withdrawn or discarded materials are suggested guidelines. However, the Library Director has discretionary authority to increase or decrease the cost of items for reasons including but not limited to age and/or condition.

Hardbacks: $2.00

Hardbacks with original price of $35 or more: $5.00

Trade paperbacks: $1.00

Mass market paperbacks: $.50

Easy / Juvenile hardbacks: $1.00

Easy / Juvenile paperbacks: $.50

Books on Cassette / Videos: $1.00 

Books on CD/DVDs: $2.00 

2. Incentive giveaways for library promotions and programming

3. Donations to non-profit organizations or institutions

4. Recycling when possible.

    Requests for Reconsideration of Materials

    A patron’s choice of library materials for personal use shall be an individual matter. Responsibility for the use of materials by children and adolescents shall rest with their parents or legal guardians. While a person may reject materials for himself or herself and for his or her children, he or she shall not exercise censorship to restrict access to the materials by others. Any Sampson-Clinton Public Library cardholder who objects to the presence (or absence) of a work may do so by completing the Statement of Concern about Library Resources form. The Library Director and the Library Board shall review the patron’s concerns. While an item is under review it shall remain in the collection for circulation. The patron shall be informed of the Board’s decision regarding the objection by the Library Director, and this finding is final.  

    BOC Adoption 08.09 

    SCPL Amended 07.15.2020 | SCPL BOT Approved 10.19.2020 | BOC Approved 12.07.2020

    Computer / Internet Access Policy

    Statement of Purpose

    It is the mission of Sampson-Clinton Public Library system (SCPL) to make available Internet access for the local demand. Our facilities provide FREE Wi-Fi access for residents with personal computers and other compatible electronic devices. We have public computers available for access by patrons with current SCPL cards in good standing. Patrons not eligible for an SCPL card may obtain a visitor’s pass (see Fee Schedule). Users are responsible for critically evaluating the information found on the Internet.  

    Access Policy

    As with other library materials, Library staff does not monitor what any user views or reads on the Internet. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to guide his or her own child's use of the Internet. Parents are encouraged to learn how to access the Internet along with their children, so that they may help guide the child toward appropriate and useful information. 

    Filtering Policy

    In an attempt to block access to Internet sites which display obscene material, the Sampson Clinton Public Library system does filter all search requests. In most cases, this can be overridden by staff for adult users (18 years or above) using the computer for research. Proof of age will be required.  

    Internet Use Rules and Procedures

    By logging in to SCPL computers or networks, all patrons are agreeing to abide by the following: 

    • Those eligible for a SCPL card will use their own library card to access the computers. Users may login as many times as they will each day. Library staff are able to extend time for persons if there is a special task that requires extended time provided no one is waiting.
    • As all workstations are in view of other patrons and staff, users are not permitted to access pornographic or obscene sites. Library staff will interrupt or terminate a patron’s computer session if material displayed on the screen is not appropriate in a public environment. Willfully breaking this rule will result in the loss of computer access for a minimum of one month upon the first infraction and the permanent termination of computer access upon the second infraction.
    • Access to on-line games and other programs that utilize excessive bandwidth may be terminated if these programs interfere with overall network performance.
    • SCPL is not responsible for damage to patron’s property or for any loss of data, damage or liability that may occur from use of or from the inability to use or access the Library’s computers / Internet connection / wireless network.
    • Patrons will not use library computers or networks to violate the law.
    • Patrons will be considerate of others. Talking, humming, having children who are crying or being disruptive, etc...interferes with others who are trying to use the workstations. Patrons will be warned once, and then they may be asked to log off in consideration of other patrons.

    Violations of Policy

    SCPL is providing this service free of charge. Please be considerate of the equipment and other users. Users who do not follow these rules and procedures will lose Internet access privileges at the library. SCPL staff reserves the right to terminate any Internet session at any time.  

    BOC Adoption 11.2014

    SCPL Amended  07.15.2020 | BOT Approved 10.19.2020 | BOC Approved 12.07.2020

    Exhibit Policy


    Part of the library’s function is to provide access to intellectual and cultural resources for the citizens of Sampson County. In the spirit of cooperation in this endeavor, we are offering the use of the lobby when deemed appropriate by the Library Director.  

    The public is invited, as individuals or as organizations, to utilize this showcase for public exhibitions to bring attention to services, hobbies, projects, or holiday exhibits. Displays of county residents’ artistic endeavors are also welcome.  

    Exhibits or displays will be viewed by everyone utilizing the library, both children and adults, with varying degrees of sophistication. With this in mind, it is necessary to request that the displays/exhibits be of “good taste” and of a nature that would generally be acceptable in our community. Exhibits may be planned to direct the public’s attention to the materials, services, and programs provided by the library or they may provide exposure to the work of artists, writers, etc.  

    The Library Director or a designated representative shall decide on acceptable content and arrangement of all exhibits. Exhibits must meet the same level of quality and value as materials selected by the library for the collection, based on the library’s approved Selection Policy. The library reserves the right to reject any part(s) of an exhibit that fails to meet these criteria. All publicity relating to exhibits must be approved by the Library Director.  

    No prices may be displayed. The exhibitor’s name and contact telephone number may be displayed. Any purchase of exhibit items privately owned must be conducted after the display has ended and may not be conducted at the library. The library may not receive any remuneration for an exhibit. No items may be removed from the display before the end of the exhibit without the permission of the Library Director.  

    The library requests that all displays/exhibits be in place no longer than thirty (30) days, thus providing others the same opportunity to display their works. If there is not another display scheduled, the display that is in place may remain.  

    All items for display or exhibit are the responsibility of the individual or group to which they belong. Items must be put in place and removed by the responsible person or group. The library takes NO responsibility for any items damaged or lost. 

    BOC Adopted 12.06.2004  

    SCPL Amended 6.27.2020 | BOT Approved 10.19.2020 | BOC Approved 12.07.2020 

    Fines, Fees, and Replacement Policy


    The timely return and care of borrowed materials make it possible for all patrons to enjoy the same services. SCPL charges overdue fines for materials returned after the due date, excluding days the library is closed. Additionally, fees are charged to pass along to the individual borrower those costs associated with his/her failing to return, damaging or losing materials checked out on his/her card.

    Overdue Fines

    The fine schedule for the most commonly borrowed types of materials is listed below. Overdue fines are charged for each day after the due date an item remains unreturned. It is possible to accrue multiple fines for the same item if it is renewed past the due date each time. In the event there are remarkable extenuating circumstances (such as hospitalization or a death in the family), a patron may request that the library waive fines once per patron account every 10 years.

    Current Schedule of Overdue Fines


    Current Schedule of Fees for Library Services


    Damaged and Lost Items

    If materials are lost or damaged, the individual borrower is charged the appropriate costs to replace the items in order for circulation to continue. SCPL accepts equivalent paperbacks, hardbacks, etc... as replacements for lost or damaged materials in lieu of payment if the item is new or appears to be new with no signs of wear or use. The patron will still be charged the $5 processing fee.

    Damaged Items: If an item is returned with part(s) damaged or missing, the following fines will be charged:


    Lost Items: The borrower is responsible for the cost of the lost/damaged item and a $5.00 processing fee which covers barcodes, call labels, MARC records, other processing materials and staff time involved in the item’s replacement. Damaged items become the property of the patron after payment is made. Overdue fines will not be collected in addition to replacement costs for damaged or lost items. The replacement cost is usually the retail cost at the time of purchase. The replacement cost of Inter-Library Loan materials is determined by the lending library.

    Patrons are encouraged to search for lost items before making payment. If an item is found by a patron after payment has been made it becomes the property of the patron. No refunds will be issued.

    Any items overdue for 60 days will be changed to lost status. The patron will be sent a bill through the mail, and a $1.00 fine will be added to the account to pay for the postage and handling. Patrons may return the lost items, and only overdue fines will be charged in addition to the postage and handling charge.  

    If the library is required to pay for an unreturned ILL book by the lending library, the charge will be placed on the patron’s account. That item is then the patron’s property, and the patron will be required to pay for the item before further library use will be permitted.  

    If materials are damaged or lost due to theft or fire, the replacement costs and overdue fines of these materials may be waived by library administration upon presentation of an official report by the appropriate regulatory body documenting the incident.  

    Library Administration understands that circumstances may occur that would necessitate varying the application of this policy, and these instances will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the Library Director.  

    SCPL Adopted 11.2004 | SCPL Amended 6.29.2020

    Code of Conduct Policy


    The objective of this policy is to ensure that the Sampson-Clinton Public Library system provides each community member with a welcoming, pleasant, and safe environment free from harassment, physical discomfort, danger, and psychological / emotional stress. Library service will not be denied or abridged because of race, religion, age, gender, handicap conditions, national origin, belief, social and/or political views.

    Overview and definitions

    Any behavior or activity on library grounds that is disruptive, hinders a person's ability to use the library or poses a threat to the safety and wellbeing of patrons or staff is strictly prohibited.  

    It is at the library staff's discretion to identify / determine if a patron is engaged in any prohibited or disruptive conduct. Prohibited conduct includes any illegal activity as defined by County, State and Federal laws. To maintain our welcoming safe environment for all patrons, the following behaviors are prohibited:

    • Willfully annoying, harassing, or threatening another person, physically or verbally.
    • Loud talking, laughing, or using audio equipment or cell phones that disturbs or could disturb other patrons.
    • Carrying weapons of any sort.
    • Use of abusive or intimidating language or gestures to patrons or staff members.
    • Staring at or following another patron or library staff member in a manner which is intimidating or can reasonably be expected to disturb.
    • Bringing animals into the library building or on library property, other than service animals as defined by the American with Disabilities Act 35.136.
    • Using library equipment (i.e. library telephones) or supplies without approval.
    • Engaging in boisterous or disruptive behavior such as fighting or threatening to fight, running, pushing, shoving or throwing things.
    • Loitering, blocking or in any way interfering with the free movement of any person.
    • Soliciting, petitioning, and posting notices, fundraising, selling, canvassing or distributing any written material unless authorized by the Library Director.
    • Using the library as a place to conduct business or sales.
    • Consuming alcohol, illegal substances, being intoxicated, smoking, vaping or using tobacco products.
    • Drinks in covered containers and packaged snacks may be allowed in designated areas. No meals (fast food) are allowed in public areas.
    • Using or defacing the library building, furniture, or equipment in a manner that could cause harm to self, patrons, staff or personal or public property.
    • Removal of material from the library collection without authorization through established lending procedure.
    • The library does not allow the use of sports or recreational equipment on the property.
    • Sleeping in the library or on the grounds and/or occupying excessive space beyond that of a reasonable footprint.
    • Failure to maintain a level of personal cleanliness that prevents library patrons from enjoying their use of the Library. Performing personal hygiene, including shaving, bathing, or washing clothes in restrooms is prohibited.
    • Unwelcomed interaction with minors is prohibited in the library.
    • Entering into non-public areas, unless by invitation or approval of library personnel.
    • Failure to wear proper attire at all times in the library. Shirts and shoes are required.
    • Leaving personal items unattended on library grounds (The library is not responsible for the loss or theft of unattended items).
    • Failure to exit the building at closing and/or not following directions from staff during an emergency.


    Library staff will deal with the disruptive behavior according to the guidelines of this policy, and may contact law enforcement whenever deemed appropriate.  

    • For minor disruptions: In the case of a minor disruption, the library patron will receive two warnings. If the disruptive behavior continues, the patron may be asked to leave the library for the day.
    • For extreme disruptions: In the case of an extreme disruption based on the judgement of a staff member, the patron may be given only one warning, may be ordered to leave the Library immediately for a stated amount of suspension, or the police may be called.
    • Serious or repeated violation of the rules may result in a patron being banned from the library and/or permanently denied services. Any person who fails to comply with a request from library staff shall be considered to be trespassing, and the staff person in charge will contact the police. The Library Director, or designee, is authorized to ban violators from the premises for a specified amount of time or permanently banned depending on the severity of the violation.

    Incidents of unacceptable behavior may result in one or more of the following actions or disciplinary procedures:  

    • Oral warning
    • Written warning
    • Immediate dismissal or banning from the library in which the behavior occurred

    Disruptive behavior meeting the criteria of immediate banning will be enforced at all Sampson-Clinton Public Libraries. The Library Director will:  

    • Send the patron a formal letter
    • Change the account information to indicate that the patron is banned
    • Notify each Library

    BOC Adoption 2014  

    SCPL Amended 06.27.2020 | BOT Approved 10.19.2020 | BOC Approved 12.7.2020

    Privacy of Records Policy

    All records, formal and informal, in the Sampson-Clinton Public Library system relating to patron registration and the subsequent circulation by patrons of library materials provided by the library are considered to be confidential in nature.  

    In order to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy, the contents of registration and circulation records shall not be made available to anyone except under the written order of the Library Director, such order having been issued pursuant to a proper legal process, order, or subpoena under law.  

    Upon receipt of any process, order, or subpoena, the person named and/or served shall immediately report to and consult with the Library Director and legal counsel of the County of Sampson to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is proper and in full compliance with proper legal authority. In the event the legal process fails to sufficiently identify or name in specific terms or specifications the records on file in respect to an identified library patron, the request is considered to be defective and not binding upon the library and its personnel, except under further due process of law.  

    Any problems or conditions relating to the privacy of a patron through the records of the Sampson-Clinton Public Library system which are not provided in the policy statement shall be referred to the Library Director, who, after study and consultation with the Library Board and/or legal counsel, shall issue a written decision as to whether to heed the request for information. 

    City Directory or Cross-Reference Directory Information

    The Sampson-Clinton Public Library System staff will not answer telephone requests for information from the City Directory or Cross-Reference Directory.  

    BOC Adopted 12.06.04 

    SCPL Amended 6.29.2020 | BOT Approved 10.19.2020 | BOC Approved 12.07.202

    Registration and Lending Policy

    The Sampson-Clinton Public Library System welcomes all patrons. Library cards may be issued to residents of Sampson County, those who own land in Sampson County, work in Sampson County, attend school in Sampson County, and those that live in a contiguous county (Bladen, Cumberland, Duplin, Harnett, Johnston, Pender, and Wayne). In special circumstances, temporary library cards may be issued to other patrons interested in obtaining a SCPL library card at the discretion of the Library Director. It is expected that all patrons adhere to current library policies. Library privileges may be suspended for non-adherence to library policies.


    • Patrons must show a US government-issued form of photo identification or a passport.
    • Library cards may be issued to juveniles between the ages of five and eighteen. Parents or  guardians must have a library card of their own in good standing (no overdue materials/outstanding fines or fees) and must accompany their child when the application for a library card is made. Children may not check out DVDs or audiovisual equipment.
    • Library cards have an expiration date of three years.
    • It is the responsibility of the patron to notify the library should his card be lost or stolen to prevent unauthorized use and to update contact information when it changes. All patrons are responsible for any items checked out on their library cards. There will be a fee for replacement cards (see “Fines, Fees, and Replacement Policy”). The library will waive the replacement cost of a stolen or destroyed library card upon presentation of an official report by the appropriate regulatory body documenting the incident.

    Lending Policies

    • A valid Sampson-Clinton Public Library card is required to check out materials at all library locations.
    • Patrons are responsible for returning all items by the due date, undamaged, and with all library processing unaltered. The library does not send overdue reminders by postal service. Patrons may choose to give an email address to receive courtesy notifications. Electronic delivery services are not guaranteed, and failure to receive a courtesy reminder does not constitute a reason to void/waive overdue fines.
    • Patrons are responsible for returning DVDs, kits, and audiobooks in the proper casings. These items will not be considered returned nor will they be checked in until the items are returned with all parts included. The library assumes no responsibility for damage caused to the borrower’s recorder/player by a DVD, kits, or audiobooks borrowed from the library. Copyright laws limit these materials to home viewing/listening unless specifically mentioned on the item that “Public Performance Rights” are included. Duplication is prohibited.
    • The library discourages the use of another individual’s library card. However, if a person’s card is in someone else’s possession and that card has not been reported to the library as stolen or lost, library staff must assume that the person who has possession of the card has the account holder’s permission to use it. Everything checked out on the card is still the cardholder’s responsibility.
    • Circulation periods are as follows:
    • Patrons with long overdue materials (those exceeding three weeks past the due date) will not be allowed to use computers or check out additional materials until everything has been returned/renewed, and all fines have been paid. Patrons with long overdue materials exceeding $50.00 in value may under North Carolina Generals Statue 14-398 be taken to Small Claims Court. All fines and fees associated with this legal procedure will become the responsibility of the patron. Parents of children under 18 years of age will be legally accountable for all materials checked out to their children.
    • Patrons with overdue fines exceeding $5.00 will not be allowed to check out materials until the fines are paid or not exceeding $5.00. All fines must be paid on the account in order to access the public computers. (Verbal notification of overdue fines will be indicated on patron records).
    • See “Fines, Fees, and Replacement Policy” for charges for overdue, damaged, and/or lost materials.

    Library Administration understands that there may be circumstances which would necessitate varying the application of this policy, and these instances will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the Library Director.

    SCPL Amended 12/2020

    Volunteer Policy


    Volunteer opportunities at the Sampson-Clinton Public Library are intended to:

    • Supplement the efforts of paid library staff in meeting the demands for quality public service.
    • Serve as a method for encouraging citizens to become familiar with their library and the services being offered.

    The Sampson-Clinton Public Library may make use of the services of interested volunteers to supplement, but not replace, regular services provided by library staff. Volunteers will not be used in place of hiring full- or part-time staff. Volunteers may apply for paid positions under the same conditions as other outside applicants.  


    Volunteer: Any individual, 17 years of age or older, who assists with work done at the Sampson-Clinton Public Library without remuneration. All volunteers must be formally accepted by the library prior to performance of assigned tasks (see selection of volunteers). 

    Student Intern: Any high school or college student who performs volunteer work without remuneration as part of an authorized school program to earn academic credit. All interns must be formally accepted by the library prior to performance of assigned tasks and are accepted under the same conditions as volunteers (see selection of volunteers).  

    Selection of Volunteers

    Volunteers are selected based on their qualifications in relation to the needs of the library at any given time and based on the individual’s ability to commit to a consistent schedule of volunteer hours. Volunteers may be asked to work on projects that are supportive of staff efforts. Examples include but are not limited to: shelving books, processing new materials, storytelling, helping to prepare for programs, assisting in the genealogy room, discarding materials, etc.

    Interested individuals must complete a Sampson-Clinton Public Library Volunteer Application and visit with the Library Director and/or the supervisory staff member. Any volunteer under the age of 18 must have written permission from a parent or guardian to work at the Library. The library may check background and references and has the absolute right to decline anyone as a volunteer without cause or statement of reason. All personal information requested by the library and provided by volunteers is considered necessary for the normal conduct of business and is confidential in nature. It will not be disclosed to anyone, outside the course of normal business, without the volunteer’s permission, except in cases of subpoena, court order, or other appropriate law enforcement request.  

    Upon the approval of the Library Director, the volunteer will be accepted for a 30-day trial period to allow for orientation and training. After 30 days the volunteer and his/her supervisor will meet to evaluate the volunteer’s performance and satisfaction with his/her assignment.  

    Volunteers will be given a copy of the volunteer job description (and addendum if necessary) that applies to them specifically. Reasonably accurate documentation of duties performed is important to the organization and the volunteer, and establishes the boundaries of responsibility for the volunteer. Supervisors may add or delete duties from time to time, (which are to be documented on the Addendum). Over time, as the volunteer’s interests, training, experience, performance and the library’s needs indicate, volunteers may change or add other more difficult responsibilities, thereby increasing their value to the library. 

    Hours of volunteer services will be determined by the supervisory staff member in discussion with the volunteer. Volunteers are expected to arrive at the library in time to begin work as scheduled or to call the library if they will be absent. All volunteer work must be completed within normal library hours when a supervisor is readily available. Exceptions may be made by the Library Director.

    If there are no suitable volunteer opportunities, the application form will be kept on file for a period of six months. Applicants will be contacted if a project is identified which matches their interests or qualifications.  


    Volunteer expectations are as follows:

    • Familiarize and abide by all Library procedures and policies.
    • Present a positive image to the public as an ambassador of the Library and of the County of Sampson. This includes maintaining a professional, friendly demeanor and conducting interactions with dignity, courtesy, and consideration at all times.
    • Dress and groom appropriately for a business environment and in keeping with work assignments.
    • Regard all personal information or library use information about patrons or library staff confidential. No information learned is to be discussed or transmitted to anyone except in the course of their official duties as a volunteer.
    • Be open and honest regarding intent, goals and skills.
    • Accept only realistic assignments and have a clear understanding of the job.
    • Carry out duties promptly and reliably.
    • Cooperate with the staff and accept the guidance and direction of the supervisor and other Library staff.
    • Understand the function of the paid staff, maintain a smooth working relationship with them, and stay within the bounds of volunteer responsibility. This includes directing all questions to a staff member if approached by a patron. Staff members are trained to deal with questions about the library's collection, services, policies and procedures.
    • Participate in any training required by the Library.
    • Discuss satisfactions, dissatisfactions, or any other concerns with the volunteer supervisor so that they may be discussed and resolved.
    • Be punctual, and notify your volunteer supervisor of absences as much in advance as possible.
    • Notify the volunteer supervisor if you change or end your volunteer time with
    • the Library.
    • Keep a record of volunteer hours by signing in and out of the Volunteer Log.
    • Wear a name badge that identifies you as a Library Volunteer.
    • Be alert, sober and drug free while volunteering.
    • Respect that Library-owned equipment and supplies are for library use only and may not be used for personal business.
    • Understand that visits and telephone calls from family or friends during your assigned volunteer hours are generally not appropriate and should be kept to a minimum.
    • Refrain from soliciting the general public for support or contributions to any event or activity while working at a volunteer assignment. Notices in the staff room may be posted, and appropriate solicitation of staff is permitted outside work hours.
    • Refrain from representing themselves as anything other than a volunteer while on assignment for the library, unless specifically authorized and to the extent specified in writing for a specific purpose.
    • Refrain from using his/her affiliation as a volunteer with the library in connection with partisan politics, religious matters, or community issues.

    General Provisions

    Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to create a contract between the volunteer or intern and the Sampson-Clinton Public Library or the County of Sampson. Both the volunteer and the Sampson-Clinton Public Library have the right to terminate the volunteer’s association with the Library at any time, for any reason, with or without cause.  

    Volunteer recognition is based on quality of performance and length of service. Letters of reference may be requested, and volunteers will be recognized at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees. Upon completion of 100 hours of volunteer service (not counting orientation and training) volunteers will acquire “fine exempt” status for as long as they remain an active volunteer with the Sampson-Clinton Public Library. Abuse of this privilege will necessitate its termination.  

    Neither the County of Sampson nor the library provides any medical, health, accident or worker's compensation benefits for any volunteer, and neither will be held responsible for any injuries incurred as a result of Volunteer services for the County.  

    Library Administration understands that circumstances may occur which would necessitate varying the application of this policy, and these instances will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the Library Director.  

    BOC Approved 12.2010 

    SCPL Revised 6.27.2020 | SCPL BOT Approved 10.19.2020 | BOC Approved 12.7.2020

    Local History and Genealogy Room Policy

    The J. C. Holliday Library in Clinton, NC, houses a collection of print and microfilm resources concerning the history and families of Sampson County. It is library policy not to purchase family histories/genealogies. Our collection is composed of donations. Therefore, we do not have a family history/genealogy for every family that has roots in Sampson County.  

    The local history and genealogy room is provided for public use and is not staffed by certified genealogists or experts. Library staff cannot compile lineages, determine parentage, locate missing persons or living relatives, or undertake extensive copying projects from books or microfilm. We are happy to instruct patrons in the use of our microfilm reader and to locate resources for patron use. It is our responsibility to support our patron’s research efforts, but we cannot perform extensive research for them; therefore, any requests submitted for staff must be specific in nature.  

    Examples of acceptable requests are: 

    • Please locate John BASSETT, born 1883, in the 1910, 1920 and 1930 census. He lived in Sampson County NC. Wife, Loretta; Children James, Sylvia and John.
    • Please check for burial information for John SNOW and his wife Adele in Sampson County NC cemetery records. They were in the 1910 census but not the 1920.
    • Can you locate an obituary for Fred JOHNSON who died 15 Jan 1923 in Newton Grove?(Obituary requests should be limited to Sampson County and contain the exact date of death)

    Examples of unacceptable requests are:

    • Will you check your records for any information on the Joseph Smith Family of Roseboro, NC?
    • Can you locate the parents of Sarah JAMES, born around 1838, in Sampson County, NC? (Parental searches other than in indexed census data (post 1850) often fall into the "General Research" category)
    • My grandmother died in Sampson County sometime in the 1990s. Can you find her obituary?

    We are happy to provide this service to everyone, including those living outside of Sampson County and North Carolina. We encourage you to show your support of these services by donating to the Sampson-Clinton Public Library to recognize the specialized skills and staff time utilized to answer your question.  

    For those patrons requiring more assistance than staff can provide, we will provide a list of private researchers who can undertake more extensive research on a fee basis.  

    Library Administration understands that circumstances may occur that would necessitate varying the application of this policy, and these instances will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the Library Director.  

    SCPL Amended 06.27.2020 | BOT Approved 10.19.2020