Community Alternative Program for Disabled Adults - CAP/DA Program

The CAP/DA program is a special Medicaid Program under the Community Care Section of the Division of Medical Assistance. The program makes care at home a real possibility for many people who face nursing home placement. CAP/DA exists to supplement rather than replace the formal and informal services and support already available to an individual. 

CAP/DA is for an individual 18 years of age and older who:
  • Are eligible for Medicaid;
  • Lives in a private residence and is at risk of being placed in a nursing facility and desires to stay in their home;
  • Requires nursing facility care as determined through the Medicaid prior approval process;
  • Needs CAP/DA services to remain safely at home;
  • Can have his or her health, safety, and well-being maintained at home with the Medicaid cost limit; and
  • Desires CAP/DA services instead of institutional care.
Services Provided By CAP/DA
  • Case Management
  • In-Home Aide Service
  • Waiver Supplies (Incontinent supplies such as pull-ups, diapers; Nutritional Replacements such as Ensure)
  • Home Mobility Aids
  • Telephone Alert
  • Respite Care
  • Adult Day Health Care