Wear Blue to show your support for Child Abuse Prevention Month

Published on April 01, 2024

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April is Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month and North Carolina’s future prosperity depends on the healthy development of our children. Prevention efforts build on family strengths.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) and Positive Childhood Alliance NC (formerly Prevent Child Abuse NC) invite you to recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month 2024. The theme of the April 2024 Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month is Building a Hopeful Future Together.

Sampson County DSS is joining efforts to bring awareness in our community:

April 5th Pinwheel Planting at 12pm at DSS near the big Oak tree out front. Wear BLUE

April 28th is Blue Sunday when we ask for bodies of worship and churches to wear blue and bring awareness to the issue.