Ivanhoe Water System Update 07-24-2024

Published on July 25, 2024

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July 24, 2024

The Ivanhoe Water System is a project to design and construct a new public water system for the Ivanhoe population and surrounding areas of Sampson County. The project will create a water distribution system to connect the residents within the disadvantaged, underserved community of Ivanhoe (who have expressed the desire to connect to a public water system) to Sampson County’s water supply. The new infrastructure will include:


-Water main extensions to connect residences within the Ivanhoe Area to the proposed system

-Residential water service meters and connections (No tap fee for customers)

-1 Booster pump station


Engineering Status Update:

Design is complete and is currently pending approval from NCDOT and NCDEQ Division of Water Infrastructure


              Bid and Design Package Submittal for Permitting                   Submitted Dec. 1, 2023

              NCDOT Encroachment Agreement                                  

              NCDOT Driveway Permit

              NCDEQ Public Water Supply Permit

              NCDEQ Division of Water Infrastructure Approval

              NCDEQ Erosion and Sediment Control Permit


State Required Approvals Still Needed:

              NCDOT Encroachment & NCDEQ Division of Water Infrastructure


Future Schedule Update

Advertise project for bid                                                                         30 days following receipt of outstanding permits

Bid Opening                                                                                           30 days after advertisement

Receive Bids, Receive Authority to Award                                             90 days after bid opening

Execute Construction Contracts                                                            30 days after Authority to Award

Construction Complete                                                                          December 2026


For pdf document, please review here(PDF, 226KB) .