Water Operation

Water System Operations

The mission of Sampson County's public water system is to provide potable public water to as many residents as possible within our system's operational and cost constraints. All districts are governed by the Sampson County Board of Commissioners sitting as the Sampson County Water District Board of Directors.

Water Sources and Quality

Sampson County purchases its water from the municipalities of Clinton, Garland, Roseboro and Turkey for resale to its water district customers. The municipalities of Clinton, Garland, Roseboro and Turkey obtain their water supply from groundwater, and an emergency connection with the City of Dunn is maintained. The County is now producing its own groundwater supply from two recently installed wells with plans for future expansion. All water is treated by conventional methods before distribution. The districts routinely monitor for contaminants in their drinking water according to federal and state laws. Water quality reports are prepared annually and are available by request in the Public Works Department.