Road Sign Maintenance

Under the authority and provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes, a county may, by ordinance, name or rename any public or private road within the county and not within a municipality.

Sampson County road names are assigned upon recommendation of the Road Naming Committee and approval, following a duly-advertised public hearing of the Sampson County Board of Commissioners. (See 911 Addressing) Once roads are named, appropriate signage is created and erected by the Sampson County Public Works Department. Road name signs are located and erected in the public highway right-of-way with the permission and consent of the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The willful defacing, damaging, knocking down or removing of the road name signs erected and located in the public right-of-way by any person may be considered a misdemeanor (pursuant to NCGS 136-33), and violators may be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both in the discretion of the court.

The Sampson County Board of Commissioners has enacted a road naming moratorium. Under this moratorium, road names may not be changed unless evidence is presented that a mistake was made in the naming of the road, in the form of deeds, plats, maps, etc. Mistakes should be reported to the Public Works Department.

To report a road sign issue, please contact the Public Works Department at 910-592-0188. You may submit a work order filling out the following form.

Click here to view form.