Conserve Water, Save Money

Simple Steps for Everyday Use

At Sampson County, we're committed to water conservation. Wasting water isn't just bad for the environment, it can strain your wallet too. Here are some easy tips to make a big difference:

Bathroom Bonanza:

Did you know? Over 75% of indoor water use happens in the bathroom! Here's how to turn your bathroom into a water-saving haven:

  • Invest in Efficiency: Install low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators, and toilet dams. These affordable options readily available at hardware stores can reduce water usage by 25-50% without compromising your showering or faucet experience. Building a new home? Consider low-flow toilets (1-2 gallons per flush) instead of traditional models (3-5 gallons). This switch can save an impressive 8,000-12,000 gallons of water per person annually!
  • Nix the Drips: A leaky faucet wastes around 20 gallons daily, while a leaky toilet can guzzle hundreds. Fix those drips to save big!
  • Shower Power: Short showers trump baths! A 4-minute shower uses about 8 gallons compared to a bath's 50-60 gallons. Need a soak? Fill the tub strategically – close the drain first!
  • Multitasking Water: Turn off the faucet while brushing or shaving. Use a glass of water instead - you can save up to 3 gallons!
  • Think Before You Flush: Don't treat your toilet like a trash can. Tissues and cigarette butts belong elsewhere, preventing unnecessary flushing.

Kitchen Conservation Crusaders:

  • Dish Duty Done Right: When washing dishes by hand, fill a basin instead of letting the water run continuously. Only run the dishwasher when it's full, and utilize the water-saving cycle if available. Remember, this applies to your clothes washer too!
  • Beat the Heat: Keep a pitcher of chilled water in the fridge instead of running the tap until the water cools down.
  • Thaw with Time: Thaw frozen food in the refrigerator, not under running water.
  • Veggie Wash Woes? Wash vegetables in a filled sink or basin instead of under running water. Bonus tip: reuse that water to nourish your houseplants!

Outdoor Oasis Optimization:

  • Early Bird Gets the Watering: Water your lawn early in the morning when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.
  • Sprinkler Smarts: Position sprinklers to target your lawn, not the sidewalk or street.
  • Hydration Heroes: Water your lawn strategically - only when needed!
  • Plant Power: Choose local, drought-resistant plants that require minimal water and fertilizer. Consider adding mulch to retain moisture.
  • Targeted Taps: Use a pistol-type sprayer on your hose for better flow control and reduced water waste.

By adopting these simple practices, you can significantly reduce your water consumption and environmental impact, all while saving money on your water bill. Let's work together for a more sustainable future!