Private Water Wells

Sampson County Environmental Health inspects, sites, and permits private drinking water wells in accordance with state rules and regulations. This includes:

  • Locating the well a safe distance from possible sources of contamination;
  • Observing the grouting of the well to prevent potential avenues of contamination around the well casing;
  • Obtaining water samples to ensure that the well is producing safe, potable water.

Water Samples

Sampson County Environmental Health provides the public with a water sampling service that allows for water to be tested for several different parameters including:

  • Bacteriological
  • Inorganic Chemical
  • Nitrates and Nitrites
  • Petroleum and Pesticides

A new drinking water well permit fee includes the cost for bacteriological, inorganic chemical, nitrite and nitrate testing. Once the well pump has been installed you must call to notify our office that the well is ready to be tested. An Environmental Health Specialist will collect the samples and provide you a copy of the results.

Well Application and Permitting Process

  1. Make application for well permit and assessed fees.
  2. Applicant is assigned to Environmental Health Specialist (EHS)
  3. Once on the lot, EHS will designate a site for the well meeting all standards and safe distances from any contamination.
  4. Applicant is issued a permit construct well and select a well contractor.
  5. EHS conducts a well inspection with well contractor to ensure well meets all standards/rules.
  6. EHS will then collect samples. Then a certificate of completion is issued to the applicant