
All of the following institutional facilities are inspected by this office but licensed by another agency:

Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Adult Care Homes and other Institutions

This category includes all establishments providing room and board for residents and that have a license from the Department of Health and Human Services. These facilities and the food service that prepares and serves the meals to 13 or more residents are inspected. A grade card is posted stating the sanitation score for the facility at the entry to the establishment. A separate grade card is posted in the dining area for the food service inspection.

Residential Care Facilities

Residential Care Facilities are establishments that provide room or board for 12 or fewer residents and are licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Inspections are made prior to the expiration of the license. The grading system is demerit-based. Facilities are classified as approved with 20 or fewer demerits and no six-point demerits. A provisional classification is issue when there are more than 20 demerits or any six-point demerit violation. A disapproved classification is issued if more than 40 demerits exist or if the provisional violations have not been corrected within a certain time period.

Adult Day Service Facilities

Adult Day Service Facilities provide an organized program of services, including meals, for adults during the day in a community group setting. This includes adult day health services, psychosocial rehabilitation programs, and other day programs that do not provide overnight accommodations. The Department of Health and Human Services is the licensing agency for this type of facility.

Inspections are completed by the Environmental Health department. The inspector posts a grade card stating the classification and demerit score.

Local Confinement

Local Confinements include any county or municipal confinement facility, local lockup, regional or district confinement facility, any detention facility for children or adults, any county or municipal workhouse or house of correction, and any other confinement facility operated by any local government for confinement of persons awaiting trial or sentences. The Division of Facility Services is the licensing agency for local confinements. The Environmental Health department conducts inspections.